1.   At bedtime, she demands to be read five books.

2.   After that, it was mainly Key who kept the issue alive in the public mind, authoring five books on the subject.

3.   But as an author of five books who just signed a contract to write a sixth, my position is a little different.

4.   Dartmouth College receives part of the royalties from five books.

5.   He has written five books and is managing editor of TomPaine.com, an online journal of opinion.

6.   He has written five books on legal procedures, and as a longtime member of Congress sponsored legislation to increase Indian rights and fight discrimination.

7.   He is the author of five books and numerous articles on subjects ranging from the American West to populism and progressivism.

8.   He wrote five books.

9.   How can five books be a trilogy?

10.   I have relied on the library to provide the research materials for five books and uncountable magazine articles.

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