1.   On the shelves there were fish swimming in the air as if it was their natural habitat.

2.   Red fish swam on either side of the boat.

3.   The fish swam all around her and nipped at her legs.

4.   Then gradually slip the open bag into the tank, and allow the fish to swim out in their own time.

5.   This moderates in time, after which the fish swims in a normal manner.

6.   Your friend jabs his spear right at it, but he misses and the fish swims away.

7.   Down and down the weight dragged him, to where strange fish swam past and gaped at him with milky, quivering eyes.

8.   Around the catamaran, red, blue and yellow fish swam through beautiful coral.

9.   Blue and orange terra cotta tiles line the lobby, where gold fish swim in brightly lighted tanks.

10.   But Villa did not limit himself to reproducing standard Portuguese dishes, a limited repertory complicated by the fact that Mediterranean fish do not swim in local waters.

n. + swim >>共 234
fish 8.08%
people 5.98%
child 4.57%
head 4.39%
whale 2.99%
man 2.46%
shark 2.28%
passenger 2.11%
woman 1.58%
animal 1.41%
fish + v. >>共 425
be 28.92%
have 4.92%
swim 2.46%
come 2.14%
die 1.66%
take 1.55%
eat 1.18%
become 1.07%
go 1.02%
feed 0.96%
每页显示:    共 46