1.   How big do these fish grow?

2.   Some fish can grow to a length of four feet.

3.   The fish grows to about seven or eight inches, but smaller specimens are obtainable.

4.   The fish grows to gigantic proportions.

5.   These fish can grow to a length of four feet.

6.   As the fish grow, they are transferred to larger mesh cages.

7.   Conservation Consortium officials are already considering a site for their first ranch structure, a mainland hatchery where fish would grow until big enough to live in the pens.

8.   Fish grew in a hurry.

9.   Fish grow old and die before they can attain the huge size they once did.

10.   The abundance of scuds and insects means that the fish grow rapidly.

n. + grow >>共 1348
economy 6.89%
company 1.77%
number 1.64%
investor 1.53%
business 1.19%
market 1.17%
population 1.14%
demand 1.05%
concern 1.04%
plant 0.95%
fish 0.10%
fish + v. >>共 425
be 28.92%
have 4.92%
swim 2.46%
come 2.14%
die 1.66%
take 1.55%
eat 1.18%
become 1.07%
go 1.02%
feed 0.96%
grow 0.86%
每页显示:    共 16