1.   Local authorities in aggregate may suffer a fiscal imbalance inasmuch as they are unable to finance all those expenditure programmes that are considered desirable.

2.   While there may be no fiscal imbalance in aggregate, some authorities may be unable to finance programmes that other authorities find easy to handle.

3.   Ocampo said several sales of state entities will ease the fiscal imbalance.

4.   Some say the slide reflects large trade deficits, fiscal imbalance, or other structural problems.

5.   These proposals alone would consume nearly the entire surplus, as would closing long-term fiscal imbalances in Social Security and Medicare.

6.   While calling for more public support, the report says that a solution to the fiscal imbalance has to start with colleges and universities themselves.

7.   The lingering fiscal imbalance triggered further depreciation of the yen which would in turn divert Japanese investment from the region to home office, exacerbating the regional economic woes.

8.   This has largely been due to continuing fiscal imbalances.

a. + imbalance >>共 153
chemical 12.36%
racial 5.62%
hormonal 4.21%
economic 3.93%
external 2.53%
fiscal 2.25%
serious 2.25%
competitive 1.97%
large 1.69%
military 1.69%
fiscal + n. >>共 600
policy 10.17%
deficit 5.49%
discipline 5.15%
conservative 4.06%
responsibility 3.25%
reform 3.04%
crisis 2.99%
stimulus 2.34%
austerity 2.11%
third-quarter 2.08%
imbalance 0.21%
每页显示:    共 8