1.   Firms said that tax complexity and administrative problems were the major hurdles in the path of extending freedom of choice.

2.   No jobs cuts are expected from the acquisition, the firms said.

3.   Once the initial product is out, the firms say they will add more connectivity options for Sun workstation users.

4.   Some taxi firms said they did not want blood in their cars.

5.   The firm says it simply can not find the cash to meet its wage bill.

6.   The rating firm said that the company is more reliant on its revolving credit lines because of the elimination of commercial paper.

7.   The rating firm said the company is more reliant on its revolving credit lines because of the elimination of commercial paper.

8.   Engineering firms say they have a lot of new orders coming in this year.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
firm 0.11%
firm + v. >>共 662
be 10.84%
have 6.10%
say 5.04%
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do 1.21%
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take 1.11%
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