1.   Troops fired live ammunition to disperse the crowd.

2.   As the situation worsened more border police entered the area and began firing live ammunition into the crowd.

3.   At the same time, soldiers fired live ammunition into the air near the Opera House, an opposition gathering place.

4.   A number of people were injured, but no deaths or gunshot wounds were reported, although officers said their troops were firing live ammunition.

5.   Al Ridi testified that he acquired the rifles because they were powerful, relatively light and capable of firing Russian ammunition.

6.   But in several instances, the Israeli troops fired live ammunition.

7.   China says it would fire live ammunition, but the Taiwanese did not say whether any was already being used.

8.   Fahey said the United States should also keep track of where the ammunition is fired, so that the areas of contamination can be identified later and cleaned up.

9.   In Medan on Wednesday, the police fired live ammunition at people looting Chinese-owned shops.

v. + ammunition >>共 139
use 14.67%
provide 12.36%
give 8.70%
fire 7.88%
have 5.57%
carry 3.26%
find 1.77%
live 1.77%
shoot 1.63%
supply 1.22%
fire + n. >>共 352
shot 24.13%
missile 8.10%
rocket 7.93%
gun 4.26%
shell 4.18%
weapon 3.06%
bullet 2.72%
coach 2.62%
round 2.28%
mortar 2.25%
ammunition 0.47%
每页显示:    共 58