1.   In some villages HIV infection is cited as the main reason for girls not finishing their education.

2.   And if he is good enough, he will end up in the NBA before he finishes his education.

3.   And teen-age mothers must finish their education and live with an adult to qualify for welfare payments.

4.   But as I struggled to finish my education here, I also encountered the ugly realities of racial discrimination.

5.   He did finish his education, but is at a lower socioeconomic level than his father.

6.   He finished his education at the Sorbonne, and devoted himself entirely to writing.

7.   He poured himself into American life, and finished his education with an MBA from Harvard.

8.   He was married in February and thought about finishing his education and finding a real job.

9.   Just one more reason to insist that the little ones finish their education.

10.   Like many college seniors, Noah Hammerman finished his education last June with a B.A. in economics and no clear plan for the rest of his life.

v. + education >>共 426
improve 10.37%
get 5.99%
provide 3.86%
have 3.58%
continue 3.42%
receive 2.81%
promote 2.33%
need 1.93%
complete 1.77%
include 1.77%
finish 1.05%
finish + n. >>共 1124
work 5.31%
job 4.92%
game 3.73%
career 2.97%
race 2.76%
round 2.25%
season 1.93%
project 1.55%
sentence 1.45%
school 1.40%
education 0.34%
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