1.   Although the Kansas City auditor focused exclusively on Kansas City projects, the questions that his findings raised probably will influence future tax-subsidy policy throughout the area.

2.   And the findings raise a theoretical possibility of developing a vaccine to prevent myeloma, the authors said.

3.   Another finding raises more questions.

4.   If he is right, the findings raise questions for archeologists and other scholars.

5.   Nonetheless, the findings raised eyebrows among anthropologists who question whether human traits can be found in a fossil so old.

6.   That finding has raised concerns about the condition of other sides of the building, which workers will soon begin inspecting.

7.   The finding raises doubts about the increasing number of Caesarean sections performed for convenience.

8.   The findings also raised the possibility that groups of precursor cells are present in the brain from birth but remain inactive in adult animals.

9.   The findings raise a host of questions about treatment.

10.   The finding raised the specter of bioterrorism.

n. + raise >>共 1962
company 3.48%
government 3.20%
official 2.12%
case 2.01%
report 1.77%
bank 1.09%
rate 0.90%
incident 0.90%
group 0.86%
move 0.83%
finding 0.41%
finding + v. >>共 359
be 27.39%
suggest 6.78%
have 3.46%
show 3.11%
indicate 3.00%
come 2.86%
help 2.82%
lead 2.65%
mean 1.87%
appear 1.80%
raise 1.31%
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