1.   Doctors failed to find a match for the bone Marrow transplant.

2.   The direction attribute is not mandatory, defaulting to, and if no match is found then the task or mail is sent to the project administrator.

3.   If a match is found, the process matches the next MRPA symbol in the transcription against the set of branches following the initial branch.

4.   If a match is not found then that path is abandoned.

5.   If no exact match is found, lists of similarly spelled words are offered for selection and the process of matching begins there.

6.   It would be great if a match could be found.

7.   Helps if you can find any matches.

8.   Also, she laughed, maybe he could find a match for her, like Linda and Toby.

9.   Although there is an international registry of potential donors, only another third of whites and a tiny minority of blacks and Asians find suitable matches in the registry.

10.   And genetically it is harder to find matches for black people than for white people.

v. + match >>共 509
win 11.23%
play 10.44%
lose 3.54%
watch 2.98%
end 2.56%
miss 2.09%
have 1.79%
dominate 1.75%
schedule 1.67%
finish 1.58%
find 1.20%
find + n. >>共 1111
way 10.77%
body 4.59%
evidence 3.12%
job 2.32%
work 1.71%
solution 1.51%
place 1.01%
buyer 0.83%
bomb 0.72%
home 0.69%
match 0.13%
每页显示:    共 71