1.   Merton helped to refine the work and made it more broadly applicable to other financial instruments.

2.   Not surprisingly, the gray-haired veteran shuns sophisticated financial instruments to hedge against interest-rate increases.

3.   Other derivatives are complex, high-risk financial instruments.

4.   The ability to follow every financial instrument on every Market for effective asset management.

5.   The application manages financial instruments, including treasury bills, short-, medium- and long-term loans and interest rate hedges.

6.   The third has been the provision of an ever-increasing variety of financial instruments needed to support the growing complexity of cross-border transactions.

7.   Why not all financial instruments measured at fair value?

8.   Later in January restrictions preventing Italians from purchasing short-term financial instruments in foreign currencies were lifted.

9.   But we are mostly interested in futures contracts related to financial instruments, i.e. in financial futures contracts.

a. + instrument >>共 744
musical 10.71%
financial 7.73%
new 3.24%
surgical 2.73%
blunt 2.59%
scientific 2.41%
precision 2.19%
medical 1.47%
electronic 1.33%
traditional 1.29%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
instrument 0.41%
每页显示:    共 214