1.   BStill, to this day, it is unclear how Moon finances his costly operations.

2.   Small firms are consequently forced to rely much more on trade credit to finance their operations.

3.   The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is to finance urgent operations to improve safety at nuclear power stations in the former Soviet Union.

4.   An agreement would end a half-year of legal wrangling and give New York-based Barneys badly needed cash to finance its operations.

5.   An agreement would end a half-year of legal wrangling between Barneys and Isetan and give New York-based Barneys badly needed cash to finance its operations.

6.   And the bill financing the operations of the District of Columbia unfairly restrict the principle of home rule for the city, the White House contends.

7.   Aside from the infighting and rights areas, there have been questions about how the alliance has financed its operations.

8.   Banks make more money on their loans when interest rates fall, while utilities that sell bonds to finance their operations save money.

9.   Atlanta-based BellSouth plans to sell more debt to cut its interest costs and to finance operations.

10.   Because many Czech companies depend mainly on short-term bank loans to finance operations, higher interest rates make borrowing costly.

v. + operation >>共 566
have 6.25%
suspend 3.32%
resume 2.96%
begin 2.89%
undergo 2.40%
expand 2.34%
launch 2.22%
perform 2.04%
conduct 1.92%
run 1.88%
finance 1.34%
finance + n. >>共 820
project 8.30%
purchase 4.25%
campaign 3.05%
operation 2.92%
acquisition 2.40%
construction 2.33%
expansion 2.22%
program 2.18%
activity 2.05%
minister 1.78%
每页显示:    共 157