1.   A senior White House official dismissed the notion that the recent finance controversy would affect views of Mrs. Clinton.

2.   He has made several similar asides when discussing the campaign finance controversy involving John Huang, a Democratic fund-raiser and former Commerce Department official.

3.   Huang, a central figure in the campaign finance controversy is a former U.S. Commerce Department official and Democratic fund-raiser who was once an executive for the Lippo Group.

4.   President Clinton began a final swing through Texas on Friday after trying to quell a brewing campaign finance controversy by endorsing reform efforts.

5.   The earlier fund was disbanded last December after campaign finance controversies and strict giving limitations had slowed contributions to a trickle.

6.   And Lake denied he knew anything about a campaign finance controversy that has widened a rift between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the White House.

n. + controversy >>共 295
quarterback 20.72%
drug 4.70%
election 4.14%
campaign 2.49%
flag 1.66%
ethic 1.66%
abortion 1.52%
recount 1.24%
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finance + n. >>共 430
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official 5.25%
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