1.   As film audiences get older, they will become more discriminating.

2.   In every year there were one or two very special films which made a real impact outside the regular film audience.

3.   A picky and minor point, admits the engineer, but film audiences are more likely to believe outlandish plots when the stories are grounded in realistic technology.

4.   A mass film audience expects a big star and a roller-coaster plot, Burke said.

5.   But Dick Cook, president of marketing for Disney, said the competition for film audiences this summer will remain intense, requiring more imaginative campaigns.

6.   Film audiences are sophisticated enough not to take their movies literally.

7.   Greene worries that with the sudden wealth of festivals, the North Texas film audience will feel a little overwhelmed.

8.   Here and elsewhere, we have the feeling of being toyed with in the same way Alfred Hitchcock delighted in tweaking film audiences with little pranks.

9.   Of course, film audiences already are plenty familiar with MacNicol.

10.   The dullness that has anesthetized French film audiences ever since has even ignited a long-running diplomatic row with the United States.

n. + audience >>共 284
television 24.46%
target 12.77%
core 3.80%
movie 3.53%
courtroom 2.17%
preview 2.17%
radio 1.90%
niche 1.70%
test 1.43%
theater 1.15%
film 0.82%
film + n. >>共 910
industry 5.61%
festival 5.53%
maker 5.37%
director 4.63%
company 3.14%
crew 3.00%
studio 2.69%
clip 2.51%
critic 2.49%
producer 2.38%
audience 0.18%
每页显示:    共 12