1.   Actually Elland Road belongs to Leeds City Council so hosting the next Euro Championship games will fill their coffers.

2.   And few industries are as helpful when it comes to filling campaign coffers.

3.   As a booming stock market filled the coffers of mutual funds, some portfolio managers began aggressively trading stocks for their own accounts.

4.   A bottom-line company that needs victories to fill its coffers.

5.   But eventually, a winning team is needed to fill the coffers.

6.   But he let his political ally Cojuangco use the money to take over and fill the coffers of a struggling bank.

7.   But there is still the matter of filling campaign coffers and finding enough support to make it past the first few primaries.

8.   Congressional Republicans will probe the connection between the Democratic Party and Asians who filled its coffers with millions of campaign dollars.

9.   EDF has filled the coffers of the French treasury each year by contributing to the state a significant part of its net income.

10.   For years, those maneuvers presumably filled the coffers of his employer in two ways.

v. + coffer >>共 48
fill 27.22%
drain 7.59%
boost 5.06%
empty 5.06%
replenish 5.06%
swell 4.43%
deplete 3.80%
fatten 3.16%
open 3.16%
refill 2.53%
fill + n. >>共 700
gap 4.70%
void 4.30%
air 3.94%
room 2.46%
seat 2.32%
vacancy 2.17%
role 2.11%
street 2.11%
position 2.04%
hole 2.02%
coffer 0.37%
每页显示:    共 43