1.   It was brackish, laced with gypsum, but she forced it down, and she filled the bottles.

2.   Rubber hot water bottles should be filled with water that is not too hot and should be covered to avoid any risk of scalds through leakage.

3.   If you fill a milk bottle with boiling water I would think it would crack, might do.

4.   Back home, he fills the bottles with brightly colored resins, then peels the bottles away.

5.   After sufficient caffeine, you might even fill squirt bottles with colored water, go outside and decorate your snow.

6.   Fill the bottle with seeds.

7.   Fill the bottles, and begin the walk back.

8.   Fill the bottles completely, recork, label and refrigerate.

9.   FruitWorks can be sold for less because it uses a technology that fills the bottles with cold, rather than hot, liquids.

10.   He filled soda bottles with water, froze them and put them near the blossom to keep it cool.

v. + bottle >>共 351
throw 11.03%
open 5.31%
buy 3.98%
have 2.42%
fill 2.42%
take 2.31%
drink 2.19%
hurl 2.02%
carry 1.96%
find 1.96%
fill + n. >>共 700
gap 4.70%
void 4.30%
air 3.94%
room 2.46%
seat 2.32%
vacancy 2.17%
role 2.11%
street 2.11%
position 2.04%
hole 2.02%
bottle 0.36%
每页显示:    共 42