1.   Keep your graphics file sizes small.

2.   Other useful information includes file size and date.

3.   And the only limit on file size is what your PC is capable of displaying.

4.   Before you go deleting any fonts, though, choose the Details view and make sure the two files have the same file sizes and dates.

5.   A higher bit rate means better sound quality, but also a larger file size.

6.   File sizes will be shown there, too.

7.   If you see several copies of the same song listed, the file size should be the same for all copies of a given bit rate.

8.   If file size is the issue, try using PKZIP or other software designed to compress files.

9.   In general, the higher the number of dots per inch in the photo, the bigger the file size.

10.   In general, when it comes to images and the Internet, the smaller the file size, the better.

n. + size >>共 424
class 18.28%
sample 4.03%
body 3.02%
market 2.69%
population 2.55%
portion 1.95%
shoe 1.68%
particle 1.34%
crowd 1.28%
screen 1.21%
file 1.14%
file + n. >>共 189
name 8.94%
folder 5.24%
picture 5.11%
footage 4.98%
format 4.73%
server 4.73%
transfer 3.70%
drawer 3.07%
manager 2.43%
attachment 2.17%
size 2.17%
每页显示:    共 17