1.   There is a collection of these miscreants - Heath identifies file formats, disk formats and install scripts as notable examples.

2.   Versions are available on a huge range of hardware, and the file formats are interchangeable.

3.   The Lotus product provides only very limited support for other file formats.

4.   At issue is software encoded in the popular Graphics Interchange Format -- or GIF -- file format.

5.   A new digital file format called Flashpix is supposed to help make all this happen quickly and easily.

6.   A virus designed to attack specific file formats, or to search for and destroy files containing certain keywords, could be an interesting tool for law enforcement agencies.

7.   Could they have meant TIFF, tagged image file format?

8.   Gates stays behind the podium and talks about directories and file formats.

9.   Graphics software companies are in an uproar over the request, which involves the GIF file format that Compuserve developed.

10.   If QuickView can read the file format, the resulting menu displays a QuickView choice.

n. + format >>共 422
round-robin 4.64%
playoff 4.45%
file 3.66%
radio 2.67%
team 1.98%
debate 1.78%
tournament 1.68%
store 1.58%
music 1.19%
header 0.99%
file + n. >>共 189
name 8.94%
folder 5.24%
picture 5.11%
footage 4.98%
format 4.73%
server 4.73%
transfer 3.70%
drawer 3.07%
manager 2.43%
attachment 2.17%
每页显示:    共 37