1.   Its other function is to take over your hard disc and encrypt all the file directories, rendering the disc unusable.

2.   Where operation is to be directly from a different data file directory then TableCurve has to be in the dos path.

3.   Files will be re-named on disk and, if the system allows, a print-out of the file directory made as evidence.

4.   When a user deletes a file, the computer stops listing it in the file directory and marks the disk space as available for reuse.

n. + directory >>共 89
phone 16.88%
storage 8.86%
default 8.02%
city 4.64%
process 3.80%
root 3.80%
business 2.53%
e-mail 2.53%
search 2.53%
file 1.69%
file + n. >>共 189
name 8.94%
folder 5.24%
picture 5.11%
footage 4.98%
format 4.73%
server 4.73%
transfer 3.70%
drawer 3.07%
manager 2.43%
attachment 2.17%
directory 0.51%
每页显示:    共 4