1.   The figure illustrates the cumulative ulcer free survival curves of patients randomised to each drug.

2.   Even so, such figures illustrate the fact that direct capital inflows will be the main source of capital for companies for some time.

3.   The figures also illustrate the declining popularity of French films in France, despite government subsidies available for French filmmakers.

4.   No figure illustrates this better than Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, whom history books record as an architect of the modern IRA.

5.   Top officials say this figure illustrates a steep rise in smuggling.

6.   The size of the gold market relative to any eventual sale by the IMF to raise two billion dollars was illustrated by figures published in South Korea on Tuesday.

n. + illustrate >>共 441
case 9.77%
example 4.24%
incident 3.36%
story 2.76%
episode 1.97%
event 1.58%
deal 1.48%
dispute 1.38%
situation 1.28%
move 1.09%
figure 0.69%
figure + v. >>共 767
be 39.62%
show 8.54%
include 5.73%
come 1.61%
represent 1.47%
have 1.44%
suggest 1.38%
reflect 1.36%
indicate 1.25%
release 1.17%
illustrate 0.08%
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