1.   And those figures do not count the hours clocked by employees at companies that are trying to lure new talent.

2.   But the officials figures do not count all of the people who are still homeless.

3.   Rebutting the rebuttal, some objected that the fall in imports was overstated, because the customs figures did not count in smuggling.

4.   That figure only counts visitors staying at hotel rooms in San Francisco.

5.   The FAA figures did not count airplanes that were held on the ground in distant locations until the problem was fixed.

6.   The earnings figures count the companies as if they were all one last year.

7.   The figures do not count millions in additional so-called soft money contributions, which are largely unregulated, that the two candidates have been energetically soliciting.

8.   The figure does not count deferred compensation to players.

9.   The figures do not count jobless women who return to being housewives rather than looking for new employment.

10.   The reason for the different emphases is that the Gore figures counted all taxpayers at particular income levels, single people as well as families.

n. + count >>共 861
vote 4.03%
official 3.11%
company 2.42%
government 2.29%
investor 1.88%
game 1.60%
people 1.24%
score 1.01%
board 1.01%
worker 0.87%
figure 0.69%
figure + v. >>共 767
be 39.62%
show 8.54%
include 5.73%
come 1.61%
represent 1.47%
have 1.44%
suggest 1.38%
reflect 1.36%
indicate 1.25%
release 1.17%
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