1.   Also from Thailand are the large-scale figurative paintings of Chatchai Puipia at Ise Foundation.

2.   And, while it was none too clear how much they had in common, they at least flew the flag of figurative painting when it was distinctly unfashionable.

3.   Guston, who had been scorned by critics for his new figurative paintings, had retreated to Woodstock.

4.   He quickly rejected figurative painting.

5.   Subjects in art then had a hierarchy that placed still life near the bottom, after figurative paintings, especially those of history or myth.

6.   The training is still in figurative painting and monument making, and there is no crossing over from one medium to another.

7.   They also represent the last realistic figurative painting until the late Renaissance.

8.   William Rubin, who would soon become the reigning curator at the Modern, led the attack against figurative painting, savaging Golub.

a. + painting >>共 609
abstract 4.45%
impressionist 2.52%
chinese 1.98%
american 1.98%
large 1.98%
original 1.93%
early 1.66%
modern 1.55%
the 1.55%
small 1.55%
figurative 0.43%
figurative + n. >>共 95
painter 9.09%
art 5.45%
artist 5.45%
sense 5.45%
painting 4.85%
work 4.24%
sculpture 3.03%
element 2.42%
language 1.82%
style 1.82%
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