1.   In this country we are always happiest with figurative art.

2.   Figurative art is acceptable.

3.   Figurative art, which is mostly propaganda of one sort or another, goes right for the gut.

4.   For some Czechs, figurative art holds an unpleasant association with Socialist Realism.

5.   He commits himself to figurative art, in deliberate opposition to Tachisme, the dominantabstract style of the moment.

6.   It was a period in which abstract art had declared war on figurative art, but Tinguely belonged to a movement called New Realism.

7.   It was a prophetic choice given his commitment to figurative art.

8.   Within two decades he broke the mold of figurative art and opened a path toward abstraction.

9.   Unlike Christianity, Islam has never promoted figurative art.

a. + art >>共 1403
contemporary 6.71%
modern 4.12%
american 3.11%
visual 2.56%
public 2.04%
new 1.83%
decorative 1.74%
ancient 1.71%
high 1.71%
great 1.50%
figurative 0.13%
figurative + n. >>共 95
painter 9.09%
art 5.45%
artist 5.45%
sense 5.45%
painting 4.85%
work 4.24%
sculpture 3.03%
element 2.42%
language 1.82%
style 1.82%
每页显示:    共 9