1.   Already Chechen fighters are infiltrating into Kosovo to help ethnic Albanians establish the principle that old borders are not sacrosanct and that ethnicity should determine nationality.

2.   Pakistan had been pressing for new talks and New Delhi had long resisted, angered that pro-Pakistani fighters had infiltrated Indian territory shortly after the last discussions.

3.   Chechen residents of Grozny said the fighters infiltrated the devastated city overnight and by noon had seized at least three districts.

4.   Russian authorities said that Chechen fighters had infiltrated the demonstrators.

5.   Russian military officials have been predicting for several days that Chechen fighters will infiltrate behind Russian lines and launch hit-and-run attacks on officials and barracks.

6.   Russian authorities said that Chechen fighters had infiltrated the demonstrators, although there has been no evidence that any of the protestors were armed.

7.   The gunbattles have abated in recent days after India said fewer militant fighters were infiltrating the disputed Kashmir border.

n. + infiltrate >>共 145
rebel 9.83%
agent 6.74%
militant 5.06%
troop 4.78%
gunman 4.21%
guerrilla 4.21%
police 2.53%
officer 1.97%
man 1.97%
fighter 1.97%
fighter + v. >>共 705
be 13.23%
say 4.33%
attack 2.30%
have 2.01%
take 1.94%
try 1.52%
fire 1.23%
use 1.19%
kill 1.06%
go 0.97%
infiltrate 0.17%
每页显示:    共 7