1.   Marshall gave the police his account of how the fight started.

2.   The fight started as an argument between rival gang members.

3.   The fight started when one of the fans made a rude gesture at a player.

4.   As tension heightens in the camps because food is in such short supply, machete fights have started.

5.   At least until the fight starts.

6.   But the cat fight has started behind him.

7.   But when the fight starts, Bowe will be on his own.

8.   But when the fight started, I saw Jimmy in the ring.

9.   But when the third officer marched to the stand, the fight was starting to ebb from Kornberg.

10.   Gossett said that when he emerged from the subway, he realized the fight was already starting, so he joined a crowd watching in a nearby bodega.

n. + start >>共 1317
company 2.32%
people 2.20%
fire 1.93%
season 1.69%
thing 1.61%
price 1.11%
game 1.09%
government 1.07%
team 1.02%
talk 0.83%
fight 0.28%
fight + v. >>共 306
be 39.77%
break_out 8.33%
go 4.02%
begin 3.36%
end 2.23%
take 2.07%
erupt 2.04%
start 2.04%
continue 1.98%
have 1.63%
每页显示:    共 65