1.   It will be appreciated that this rapidly developing field of expertise contains extensive new jargon.

2.   The second field contains their names.

3.   If you do not wish to base the current DC on an existing one, this field should contain the current DC identifier.

4.   If all mandatory fields have been completed and all completed fields contain valid entries, your request will be actioned.

5.   This is useful for fields containing data such as passwords where it is impossible to see if the field already contains characters.

6.   Along the track people had stuck kitchen pots on fence posts as a warning that the fields nearby contain mines from the war.

7.   Blystone estimates that the field may contain more than three trillion cubic feet of natural gas, but the amount has not been verified.

8.   Possibilities include requirements for fields to contain a certain amount, as yet unspecified, of nonmodified crops to prevent insects from becoming resistant to the BT toxin.

9.   Possibilities requirements for fields to contain a certain amount, as yet unspecified, of non-modified crops to prevent insects from becoming resistant to the BT toxin.

10.   The last debris field contained wreckage from the tail of the aircraft.

n. + contain >>共 1651
report 2.79%
bill 2.63%
book 1.76%
package 1.74%
letter 1.63%
document 1.52%
site 1.39%
product 1.29%
bag 1.23%
agreement 1.09%
field 0.15%
field + v. >>共 399
be 38.55%
include 4.67%
have 4.67%
become 1.91%
grow 1.70%
lie 1.17%
look 1.17%
seem 1.06%
produce 1.06%
remain 0.95%
contain 0.53%
每页显示:    共 10