1.   A bicoastal patent battle involving a procedure for stopping the growth of fibroid tumors in women and a product to permanently remove facial wrinkles has wound up in court.

2.   After an abnormal Pap smear, she was diagnosed with a fibroid tumor.

3.   During the next six years, they went through fertility drugs, surgery to correct endometriosis and fibroid tumors, inseminations and three attempts at in vitro fertilization.

4.   Fibroid tumors, for example, are often painful and debilitating, but insurers frequently reject claims for their removal if they see that treatment as related to fertility.

5.   Several months ago, Margo had surgery to remove fibroid tumors.

6.   The physician initially thought Heather had a fibroid tumor.

7.   USING LASERS TO ZAP FIBROIDS Women with painful fibroid tumors soon could have another option for shrinking them.

a. + tumor >>共 199
cancerous 16.82%
malignant 9.55%
benign 6.11%
small 4.84%
solid 3.31%
prostate 2.55%
liver 2.42%
human 2.29%
new 2.17%
large 1.78%
fibroid 0.89%
fibroid + n. >>共 5
tumor 50.00%
embolization 21.43%
growth 14.29%
polyp 7.14%
surgery 7.14%
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