1.   The role of peptide hormones produced by endocrine cells in fetal development is incompletely understood at present in both experimental animals and humans.

2.   The results of these studies put together confirm that expression of both vascular and visceral isoforms of smooth muscle MHC occurs during late fetal development in the rabbit.

3.   Although they are capable of monitoring fetal development, she said the company does not recommend this use to Chinese customers.

4.   A growing body of research suggests certain chemicals can interfere with fetal development in complex ways, sending wrong signals to the growing brain.

5.   But it also offers solid data on prenatal research, stages of fetal development, relationship issues and other concerns of those who are parents or want to be.

6.   Concerns about the effects of caffeine on pregnancy and fetal development also persist.

7.   Doctors sometimes use ultrasound to more accurately determine fetal development, which is then converted into a theoretical age.

8.   During fetal development, a batch of embryonic cells known as the germline cells is sequestered as a future source of sperm or eggs.

9.   Doctors would have to inform the women of fetal development and show them diagrams on how an abortion is performed.

10.   Exposure during fetal development can cause learning and neurologic problems.

a. + development >>共 715
economic 14.53%
new 5.11%
latest 4.47%
recent 2.85%
related 1.86%
positive 1.80%
sustainable 1.80%
further 1.77%
political 1.42%
rural 1.41%
fetal 0.29%
fetal + n. >>共 104
tissue 21.41%
cell 15.09%
development 9.49%
pig 3.65%
growth 2.68%
brain 2.19%
monitor 1.95%
surgery 1.70%
viability 1.46%
death 1.46%
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