1.   Additionally, coelocentesis does not involve puncture of the definitive placenta, reducing the possibility of placental vascular damage and consequent fetal abnormality.

2.   Although no statistics exist, doctors say women generally seek late-term abortions for problems like fetal abnormalities and maternal health problems.

3.   But the problem with most fetal abnormalities, he said, is that nothing can be done about them at the time of discovery.

4.   Some say the law bans virtually all late-term abortions, with no exceptions for severe fetal abnormalities.

5.   Some said the law banned virtually all late-term abortions, with no exceptions for severe fetal abnormalities.

a. + abnormality >>共 125
genetic 11.73%
congenital 7.49%
chromosomal 3.91%
severe 3.26%
structural 3.26%
physical 2.28%
apparent 1.63%
fetal 1.63%
electrocardiographic 1.63%
same 1.63%
fetal + n. >>共 104
tissue 21.41%
cell 15.09%
development 9.49%
pig 3.65%
growth 2.68%
brain 2.19%
monitor 1.95%
surgery 1.70%
viability 1.46%
death 1.46%
abnormality 1.22%
每页显示:    共 5