1.   And, as a rule, most trees should be fertilized in late winter or early spring.

2.   Homeowners can water and fertilize trees, keep them mulched and avoid wounds to the trunks.

3.   Since Houston has a long growing season, would it also be beneficial to fertilize the trees again in early June?

4.   The trees were fertilized, and branches were pruned sporadically or when they were about to fall on people.

v. + tree >>共 625
plant 8.78%
uproot 4.89%
hit 4.57%
climb 4.15%
cut 3.06%
fell 2.06%
remove 1.80%
cut_down 1.61%
save 1.58%
kill 1.51%
fertilize 0.13%
fertilize + n. >>共 45
egg 50.31%
plant 4.97%
soil 4.35%
lawn 3.73%
crop 3.11%
field 3.11%
female 2.48%
tree 2.48%
growth 1.24%
land 1.24%
每页显示:    共 4