1.   American avocado leaves lack the licorice perfume that permeates dishes, from black beans to barbecued chicken, in Mexico, but fennel tops will do in a pinch.

2.   Discard scorched fennel tops.

3.   Garnish with fennel top and serve hot.

4.   Serve in bowls garnished with cheese and a leafy fennel top.

5.   Sprinkle with a few tablespoons of bread crumbs and the fennel tops.

n. + top >>共 332
table 7.97%
halter 6.12%
mountain 4.61%
stove 3.69%
bra 3.36%
tube 3.10%
roof 2.18%
desk 2.10%
bikini 2.01%
five 1.76%
fennel 0.42%
fennel + n. >>共 30
seed 37.60%
bulb 18.40%
frond 5.60%
leaf 4.00%
top 4.00%
slice 3.20%
sauce 2.40%
stalk 2.40%
branch 1.60%
mixture 1.60%
每页显示:    共 5