1.   He called for making payment delinquency a felony crime in some cases.

2.   Any immigrant, legal or illegal, is already subject to deportation if convicted of a felony sex crime.

3.   Barr said if the White House generated the story about Hyde, it would constitute a felony crime of obstructing Congress.

4.   But it also is illegal, a felony crime, no less, because Kroger does not have a license to run a bingo game.

5.   Felony crimes, Assistant Chief Michael McDonald said, always have taken priority over misdemeanors.

6.   For example, some states require a conviction or at least evidence of a felony crime before a judge can order property forfeited.

7.   It even cuts off workers compensation to federal employees convicted of felony crimes.

8.   Masahiro Tsuda was charged last November in New York with two felony counts of defrauding the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and concealing a felony crime.

9.   Nearly two million of them had been convicted of one or more felony crimes, but sentenced to probation for those crimes, rather than to prison.

n. + crime >>共 254
hate 29.16%
sex 12.01%
capital 5.87%
drug 5.42%
apartheid-era 3.46%
car 2.79%
youth 2.63%
cross-border 2.51%
gun 2.29%
property 2.07%
felony 1.12%
felony + n. >>共 102
charge 35.76%
count 15.04%
conviction 11.19%
murder 5.43%
possession 4.26%
case 2.17%
assault 2.01%
theft 1.75%
crime 1.67%
offense 1.50%
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