1.   He and many of his friends live with their mothers and sometimes feel the void.

2.   I kept trying to think happy thoughts of him, but I also felt that void that we lost last year, so it is bittersweet.

3.   Politics would feel the void if Clinton, Dole, Gingrich and Buchanan all left that field for real jobs.

4.   Sugiyama-san is a middle-aged and somber office manager who has dutifully acquired the accouterments of family and mortgage but feels a void in his life.

5.   Returning to California, Jaffe felt a void in his life.

6.   Woods felt a void when he watched the developments unfold on television Monday.

v. + void >>共 45
fill 80.88%
leave 6.54%
create 2.45%
have 1.14%
feel 0.98%
address 0.49%
declare 0.49%
face 0.33%
define 0.33%
replace 0.33%
feel + n. >>共 1382
pain 7.58%
pressure 5.64%
effect 3.98%
pinch 3.25%
quake 3.09%
heat 2.33%
impact 2.24%
sense 2.20%
way 1.70%
need 1.69%
void 0.07%
每页显示:    共 6