1.   I feel terrible and my eyes are itchy.

2.   The subjects of Wuerttemberg felt terrible, for they considered the count a local hero.

3.   When mum feels terrible it gets really, really worrying.

4.   At the end of the day I felt terrible but she was not feeling guilty at all.

5.   I felt terrible last night.

6.   I dunno he just said he felt terrible.

7.   And I feel terrible. . . .

8.   And I felt terrible about it, and I spent the last six years trying to undo it.

9.   And lo and behold, they have lousy personal lives, lose touch with their families and feel terrible.

10.   And I feel terrible about it.

v. + terrible >>共 11
be 76.32%
feel 11.32%
look 7.21%
sound 1.91%
taste 1.47%
become 0.59%
smell 0.44%
get 0.29%
dress 0.15%
grow 0.15%
feel + a. >>共 805
good 7.76%
comfortable 5.25%
better 5.09%
sorry 3.03%
compelled 2.33%
confident 2.15%
guilty 1.91%
free 1.82%
bad 1.79%
safe 1.75%
terrible 0.32%
每页显示:    共 77