1.   The authorities continued to feel frustration with cattle owners who refused to report their losses.

2.   Asked why he is now stressing the problem, Heaton said he was feeling some frustration that more had not been done about it.

3.   At her nursing job, Hargrett feels frustration bordering on desperation.

4.   But by knowing why computers are so contrary, you may feel less frustration the next time your PC takes a vacation from reality.

5.   Even Sunland Park Mayor Irene Aguirre, who is on record as opposing the barricade, feels the frustrations of those who favor it.

6.   For my old colleagues in Congress, and for people everywhere who feel the frustrations of negativism, I offer four antidotes and a plea to try them.

7.   Guys who are competitive feel that frustration.

8.   I felt frustration, a year later, at being unable to change my wet shirt without incurring point penalties or censure for changing in public.

9.   However, do I feel a frustration about being an observer, not a participant, sometimes?

10.   Karen Howard remembers feeling frustration because her number was so high.

v. + frustration >>共 262
express 27.03%
vent 9.89%
voice 3.85%
understand 3.59%
show 2.86%
reflect 2.32%
share 2.12%
take 1.66%
ease 1.39%
feel 1.33%
feel + n. >>共 1382
pain 7.58%
pressure 5.64%
effect 3.98%
pinch 3.25%
quake 3.09%
heat 2.33%
impact 2.24%
sense 2.20%
way 1.70%
need 1.69%
frustration 0.22%
每页显示:    共 20