1.   Most biological systems have feedback mechanisms that help smooth out the little fluctuations that life throws at them.

2.   Pepsinogen synthesis has been found closely linked to secretion and depletion of stores by a well regulated feedback mechanism under invitro conditions.

3.   Reality is simply a feedback mechanism which reveals our inner world.

4.   That new system provided a feedback mechanism for each team on the quality of its product.

5.   The adrenal medulla secretes catecholamines which are not involved in any feedback mechanism to the pituitary.

6.   The recent report that presynaptic mGlu receptors employ phosphoinositide-derived signals as a positive feedback mechanism to enhance glutamate release is particularly interesting.

7.   Pepsinogen synthesis has been found closely linked to secretion and depletion of stores by a well regulated feedback mechanism under in vitro conditions.

8.   This would raise the pH within the antrum mucus layer, which in turn would prevent inhibition of gastrin release through a feedback mediated mechanism by low intragastric acidity.

9.   Profound acid inhibition, however, results in increases in serum gastrin because of interference in the feedback mechanism between intragastric acidity and antral gastrin release.

10.   Although scientists believe that they understand the general feedback mechanisms affecting climate, the directions and intensities of the feedback loops are largely unknown.

n. + mechanism >>共 390
control 6.71%
enforcement 6.12%
market 4.96%
price 2.43%
trigger 2.24%
exchange-rate 1.94%
feedback 1.85%
safety 1.85%
peace 1.55%
dispute 1.55%
feedback + n. >>共 42
loop 26.52%
mechanism 14.39%
effect 7.58%
system 7.58%
session 3.79%
control 2.27%
exercise 2.27%
technology 2.27%
forum 1.52%
influence 1.52%
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