1.   Both would soon feed migrant birds on their way down from the north.

2.   Now Agnes and Oats sat on either side of it, listening to the distant sounds of Hodgesaargh feeding the birds.

3.   Of course, she fed birds too.

4.   We brought along pieces of old bread and fed the birds.

5.   No I say would you like to feed the birds?

6.   I want to feed the birds.

7.   Well I always feed the birds.

8.   But Ellie Horwitz of the state Division of Fisheries and Wildlife advised not to feed birds, even in the bleakest part of winter.

9.   For that reason, some exotic birds are fed individually on plastic cafeteria-style trays, with their seed in one pile, fruit in another, worms in another.

10.   Have you fed the birds?

v. + bird >>共 504
kill 5.77%
see 3.12%
find 3.06%
attract 2.30%
feed 2.30%
keep 2.24%
watch 1.94%
protect 1.82%
hear 1.82%
release 1.53%
feed + n. >>共 955
family 4.71%
child 3.04%
people 2.62%
information 1.90%
animal 1.61%
hungry 1.33%
baby 1.30%
bird 1.23%
datum 1.20%
ball 1.14%
每页显示:    共 39