1.   And the joint federation army, which the United States has promised to equip and train, will not be formed for three years, if at all.

2.   The dispute between the White House and Senate Republicans revolves around the training of the Bosnian-Croat federation army.

3.   The federation army is being trained by Americans who are also teaching the value of secular, democratic government.

4.   The struggle to form a federation army is as difficult and complicated as the effort to actually form a working federation.

5.   Pardew said the holdup on the ratio of forces should not interfere with progress of the U.S.-initiated program to equip and train the federation army.

6.   As part of that campaign, it has urged all Bosnian Croats serving alongside Muslims in the federation army to desert.

7.   As the federation army gets stronger, the Serbs are suffering serious problems in morale and equipment.

8.   But U.S. plans to equip and train the Bosnian federation army complicate the confidence-building measures.

9.   Formally, Bosnian Croat forces are part of Muslim-Croat Bosnian federation army.

10.   German defense minister, Volker Ruehe, met with German soldiers and visited a training center of the Muslim-Croat federation army on Tuesday.

n. + army >>共 138
government 39.03%
rebel 23.56%
guerrilla 10.52%
federation 1.98%
coalition 1.17%
occupation 0.99%
opposition 0.99%
week 0.99%
year 0.90%
militia 0.63%
federation + n. >>共 161
president 16.01%
official 14.14%
police 8.00%
spokesman 3.62%
territory 2.96%
agreement 2.85%
leader 2.74%
force 2.52%
army 2.41%
authority 2.41%
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