1.   For Bush, that could mean Texan and federal appeals Judge Emilio Garza.

2.   He has also represented the University of Texas before a federal appeals court in its successful effort to eliminate affirmative action in admissions to its law school.

3.   In the June ruling, a federal appeals court said that Microsoft could bundle its browser with its industry-standard Windows operating system and call them one product.

4.   The ruling left Schwarz with only a federal appeals court to turn to in his two-year campaign to reverse his conviction in the brutality case.

n. + appeal >>共 821
government 7.08%
company 5.29%
leader 3.44%
official 3.42%
prosecutor 3.02%
group 2.46%
lawyer 2.30%
police 2.10%
state 2.07%
side 1.68%
federal 0.11%
federal + v. >>共 28
center 17.33%
judge 13.33%
fund 10.67%
court 9.33%
appeal 5.33%
charge 4.00%
law 4.00%
mandate 4.00%
program 4.00%
be 2.67%
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