1.   Created by Heater Advertising of Boston, a new TV ad for Redhook Ale features the poetry of Robert Frost.

2.   Created by Heater Advertising, a new TV ad for Redhook Ale features the poetry of Robert Frost.

3.   Imagine you, your family and friends enjoying a fantastic poetic album featuring your poetry!

4.   It includes two rare posters featuring his poetry and signed by him in tiny script, four notebooks written in his hand and a fifth dictated to his mother.

5.   An album featuring his poetry debuted last fall.

v. + poetry >>共 150
write 35.25%
read 8.81%
recite 6.70%
use 2.49%
publish 1.72%
love 1.34%
have 1.15%
compose 1.15%
teach 1.15%
translate 1.15%
feature 0.96%
feature + n. >>共 1771
woman 1.31%
picture 1.29%
player 1.17%
character 1.11%
photo 1.09%
works 1.01%
team 1.01%
work 0.99%
star 0.95%
voice 0.89%
poetry 0.10%
每页显示:    共 5