1.   The optional BillLimit feature enables customers to budget by setting a monthly limit.

2.   This feature enables both halves of postcodes to be kept together and similarly for telephone numbers.

3.   This Important feature enables a waveform detection system to do much more than provide signals confirming step completion in high speed systems.

4.   A Yahoo search feature enables shoppers to find and purchase an item from any number of stores that have bought space on the site.

5.   The grasping hand of primates has allowed for tool use, while particular anatomical features have enabled cetaceans to develop underwater vocalization skills for communication and taking down prey.

6.   Its hands-free features also enable busy people to accesss the telephone through a voice command.

7.   Its hand-free features also enables busy people to access the telephone by voice commands.

8.   This feature enables some formatting options for the conversation bubble.

9.   This feature enables it to support fast data storage access, Digital said.

n. + enable >>共 912
system 3.30%
technology 3.06%
option 2.81%
move 1.78%
law 1.69%
deal 1.45%
agreement 1.20%
software 1.16%
program 1.12%
victory 0.99%
feature 0.37%
feature + v. >>共 302
be 42.87%
include 10.66%
allow 3.23%
make 2.57%
let 1.68%
help 1.14%
have 1.08%
seem 0.90%
become 0.84%
work 0.78%
enable 0.54%
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