1.   Today, it is a warm and friendly hotel where original features add character and style.

2.   Aside from this, the voice-mail and persistent-mail features add some serious functionality to this simple but useful program.

3.   A built-in chat feature adds an interactive touch.

4.   Every added feature adds to the cost.

5.   Extra features add another layer of selectivity.

6.   In a high-tax state like New York, this feature can add another half percentage point to your take.

7.   The new features add a Web browser, e-mail and fax capabilities to the wireless phone.

8.   The animated feature adds some twists to the well-known tale.

9.   Though Bazooka is not the sort of name I would have given it, the features added to the joystick are by far some of the most innovative.

n. + add >>共 2049
official 5.90%
report 4.04%
source 3.68%
spokesman 3.32%
statement 3.31%
company 2.90%
police 1.70%
paper 1.49%
agency 1.38%
minister 0.89%
feature 0.09%
feature + v. >>共 302
be 42.87%
include 10.66%
allow 3.23%
make 2.57%
let 1.68%
help 1.14%
have 1.08%
seem 0.90%
become 0.84%
work 0.78%
add 0.54%
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