1.   Local police and the FBI are on alert, fearing a replay of riots that have erupted in Geneva and other cities where the WTO has met recently.

2.   Government officials fear a replay of a violent demonstration earlier in May which left six people dead.

3.   If the U.S. military strikes at Iraq, Turkey fears a replay of the Iraqi Kurdish refugee influx that came after the Gulf War.

4.   Organizers had feared a replay in Beijing.

5.   The Italian government, fearing a replay of demonstrations, asked the FAO to move the summit out of Rome.

v. + replay >>共 99
watch 23.91%
see 12.77%
use 7.61%
show 5.43%
view 3.53%
force 3.53%
review 2.17%
order 2.17%
study 1.36%
win 1.36%
fear 1.36%
fear + n. >>共 1072
reprisal 5.53%
attack 4.56%
violence 4.51%
worst 4.51%
retaliation 3.31%
loss 2.87%
retribution 2.58%
dead 1.96%
backlash 1.56%
arrest 1.39%
replay 0.10%
每页显示:    共 5