1.   Favorite motifs?

2.   Her favorite motifs are Oriental, which she culls from Arab mosques, Indian paisleys, Japanese kimonos.

3.   So, too, are his favorite motifs of waiting, watching and searching.

4.   The image of Mao waving is a favorite motif.

5.   The surface of the platter erupts with an incised depiction of Adam and Eve, a favorite Ferguson motif.

a. + motif >>共 250
decorative 4.26%
floral 4.26%
recurring 2.24%
recurrent 2.02%
african 1.79%
musical 1.79%
classical 1.57%
single 1.57%
popular 1.57%
different 1.35%
favorite 1.12%
favorite + n. >>共 1438
target 2.44%
spot 1.90%
team 1.72%
player 1.67%
food 1.60%
place 1.50%
sport 1.45%
subject 1.39%
restaurant 1.32%
pastime 1.29%
motif 0.08%
每页显示:    共 5