1.   A self-described social moderate, Mitnick supports abortion rights, opposes mandatory school prayer and favors the ban on assault weapons.

2.   According to a newly released survey, Maricopa County residents overwhelmingly favor a ban on racial and gender preferences in state programs in Arizona.

3.   Britain and France are said to favor a ban and would probably go along if the United States took the lead.

4.   Both Gore and McCain favor a ban on the largely unregulated political contributions known as soft money.

5.   Bush favors a ban on all human cloning, whether to make a human baby or for research on potentially lifesaving therapies.

6.   Bush has not joined that pledge, though he favors a ban on such contributions.

7.   But polls consistently show that voters overwhelmingly favor the ban.

8.   Early in the campaign the Texas governor said he would favor a ban on soft-money donations to political parties by corporations and unions.

9.   Even though the speaker has been generally supportive of gun rights, he said he favored a ban on some assault weapons, which angered the rifle group.

10.   Four-fifths of the American people and the police officers who protect them favor that ban.

v. + ban >>共 366
lift 21.73%
impose 7.15%
enforce 3.73%
include 3.66%
support 2.49%
announce 2.38%
extend 2.01%
overturn 1.96%
end 1.76%
violate 1.65%
favor 0.60%
favor + n. >>共 1396
right 3.38%
company 1.65%
change 1.59%
independence 1.57%
candidate 1.50%
cut 1.00%
measure 1.00%
idea 0.94%
stock 0.84%
party 0.81%
ban 0.71%
每页显示:    共 34