1.   As shown in the illustration, frost-proof outdoor faucets have an extension with the flow valve enclosed inside the far end of this pipe.

2.   Ball-type faucets have a ball on a stick instead of a cylinder under the retaining cap.

3.   Ball-type faucets have a single handle mounted on a rounded cap.

4.   But some washerless faucets also have hot and cold handles.

5.   But the faucets do have rubber parts that wear out and other parts that can be clogged with minerals.

6.   Cartridge faucets have cylindrical bodies and are available in single-handle or double-handle models.

7.   Compression faucets usually have two handles, one for hot, the other for cold water.

8.   Disk faucets have cylindrical bodies and a single handle.

9.   Faucets with ball valves have a single handle and an internal ball mechanism that is turned to align with the hot and cold openings.

10.   Most faucets have a threaded pipe, called the tailpiece, that projects from the faucet body through the sink.

n. + have >>共 1318
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faucet 0%
faucet + v. >>共 26
be 29.41%
have 17.65%
drip 7.35%
run 4.41%
start 4.41%
come 2.94%
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spew 2.94%
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