1.   After the Clinton administration embraced auctions as a way to fatten federal coffers, Congress converted, voting last year to require auctions for most nonbroadcast licenses.

2.   Cingular too may eventually be represented in a stock, with a public offering that could fatten coffers at both BellSouth and SBC.

3.   Mexico has long had one of the lowest tax-collection rates in the Americas, and the government needs to fatten its coffers to enact social programs.

4.   The economy is growing at its fastest pace in six years, fattening corporate coffers.

5.   The impact was considerable because, after fattening its coffers with American money, the ISI was well prepared to tilt the battle for Afghanistan.

v. + coffer >>共 48
fill 27.22%
drain 7.59%
boost 5.06%
empty 5.06%
replenish 5.06%
swell 4.43%
deplete 3.80%
fatten 3.16%
open 3.16%
refill 2.53%
fatten + n. >>共 56
profit 17.45%
cattle 14.09%
wallet 8.72%
animal 6.71%
margin 4.70%
coffer 3.36%
paycheck 2.68%
budget 2.01%
earnings 2.01%
food 2.01%
每页显示:    共 5