1.   But he makes his audiences laugh, not fling fascist salutes, and his anti-immigrant messages fall on fertile ground because Austria shares borders with eight countries.

2.   Croatia, like many other countries, has a neo-Nazi fringe, complete with ethnic hatred, nationalist symbols and a fascist salute.

3.   Zito also said he repeatedly saw San Francisco Mayor Angelo Rossi giving fascist salutes at gatherings.

4.   He gave a fascist salute as he entered the studio.

5.   Mourners, a few giving the stiff-armed Fascist salute, bid farewell Tuesday to Edda Ciano, the eldest child of dictator Benito Mussolini.

6.   The ranks of party officials raised their arms making the V-for-victory sign, rather than the stiff-armed fascist salute typical of the old days.

a. + salute >>共 148
nazi 13.97%
military 7.30%
final 4.44%
serb 2.86%
crisp 2.86%
stiff-armed 2.54%
small 2.22%
fascist 1.90%
mock 1.90%
special 1.59%
fascist + n. >>共 118
dictator 14.18%
state 5.45%
regime 4.73%
leader 4.00%
group 2.91%
party 2.55%
movement 2.18%
salute 2.18%
organization 1.82%
propaganda 1.82%
每页显示:    共 6