1.   For most of the farmers time off would have to be taken, either as holiday or unpaid leave.

2.   A new Transportation Department rule expected to come on the books soon will cost Illinois small farmers time, convenience and big bucks, say its opponents.

3.   But abandoning the plow gave farmers time for other tasks, from tending livestock to planting more acreage.

4.   Clear weather ahead will allow soybean farmers ample time to plant, analysts said, with no loss of yield because of a shortened season.

n. + time >>共 683
season 10.97%
year 8.36%
injury 3.37%
jail 3.13%
air 3.11%
week 2.64%
prison 1.85%
tee 1.59%
vacation 1.51%
ice 1.50%
farmer 0.03%
farmer + n. >>共 152
market 20.54%
group 5.68%
union 5.41%
cooperative 4.05%
protest 1.89%
leader 1.89%
plant 1.62%
use 1.62%
say 1.62%
access 1.35%
time 1.08%
每页显示:    共 4