1.   Customers should be aware, he warned, that no matter what variety the farmer plants, drought or rain changes flavor.

2.   Once the emergency is over, of course, billions in international aid will be needed to rebuild and help farmers plant.

3.   The bill would, for the first time, abolish the link between what farmers plant and how much the government pays them.

4.   The legislation, the most far-reaching agricultural bill since the Depression, ends most government controls over what farmers plant, when they plant and how much they plant.

5.   The seed industry has been changing as rapidly as the crops farmers plant.

6.   But here, when cotton farmers plant, they favor cutting-edge science to ensure a bountiful harvest.

n. + plant >>共 1068
assembly 8.92%
treatment 7.03%
water 3.61%
auto 2.89%
sewage 2.52%
car 2.49%
production 2.11%
truck 1.50%
desalination 1.24%
weapon 1.17%
farmer 0.10%
farmer + n. >>共 152
market 20.54%
group 5.68%
union 5.41%
cooperative 4.05%
protest 1.89%
leader 1.89%
plant 1.62%
use 1.62%
say 1.62%
access 1.35%
每页显示:    共 6