1.   Farming regions in the interiors of Africa, Asia and North America may experience drought and punishing heat waves.

2.   Government studies show the bulk of it washes off the Glades farming region.

3.   The district also is releasing water south from the sugar farming region into the northern Everglades.

4.   The patroon was a feudal landlord for whom hundreds of Colonial settlers farmed this region in exchange for a toehold in the New World.

5.   Central China suffers flooding every summer, when waters surge down the Yangtze toward major cities and farming regions along its lower reaches.

6.   Forecasts for a continued cold snap in Midwest farming regions continued to push wheat prices upward Friday on the Chicago Board of Trade.

7.   The Relief Ministry said it had sent rice, cookies and water purifying tablets to the victims in Tangail, a weaving and farming region.

8.   The vast jungle is of little strategic concern to guerrillas who congregate near oil fields, coal mines and farming regions to extort and kidnap.

v. + region >>共 622
visit 8.10%
leave 4.85%
hit 3.58%
tour 3.05%
destabilize 2.51%
flee 2.31%
dominate 2.12%
affect 1.95%
plague 1.86%
control 1.83%
farm 0.23%
farm + n. >>共 169
land 7.87%
community 7.28%
area 3.94%
method 3.35%
practice 3.15%
family 3.15%
technique 2.76%
district 2.56%
subsidy 2.36%
village 2.17%
region 1.57%
每页显示:    共 8